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Steins;Gate Fan Disc – Hiyoko Renri no Darling comes to PSP!

One of the long awaited announcements from 5pb is here:
Steins;Gate Hiyoku Renri no Darling will be ported to the PSP in 2012! [source]

Synopsis: After repeated D-mail experiments, Okarin jumps to a world where 3% shift in world line (世界線変動率3%台のδ世界線) was to be expected. And before he knew it, Kurisu as well as the rest of the members (8 members?!) have been gathered and amidst preparations for a banquet. 

In this world, a new gadget had been created but the group is facing some troubles. They can’t afford to pay the electricity bill due to running too many experiments. Let’s see what this new gadget can do for us (make $$?)… 

The concept for this game is a love comedy with some sweet romance scenes and where 99% of the world is science but 1% is composed of … fantasies?!

Cannot wait!!!  Again, instant buy for me.

『シュタインズゲート 比翼恋理のだーりん』がPSPで2012年発売決定!
Confirmation: [source]


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12 years ago

Nice timing for a fandisc judging from the quantity of fans the anime version of Steins;Gate created…:P

12 years ago

Forgot to mention: it’s not a formal announcement yet. Just a leak.