I’m getting average load of 40.0 to 60.0, which is like 20x to 30x the average load I should have. Actually I had roughly the same amount of traffic as before but for some reason it started to fail out of the blue. Nksn suspect maybe some bad code or apache configurations. Really sorry for now the site might not load or load very slowly. I hope to get the new server by end of week (my VISA card is complaining for some reason, have to sort it out with the institution…) going to switch to a Kimsufi 2core i3 probably, since that’s what’s feal87 is on [emptyblue.it] although his site is really well configured. Or maybe even go with the i5 four core.
Website Dying. Moving to New Server
- Tay
- Fuwanovel Announcements
- March 12, 2013
- (8)
I'm the Fuwanovel community admin and a big fan of Visual Novels. The easiest way to get a hold of me is via a PM on the Fuwanovel Forums, by twitter (@ArchmageTay), or by email.
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How is this going to affect us (users)?? Are we supposed to do something?? The website URL is going to change?? :3
otsukare sama desu!! 😀
Thanks for all your hard work
Maybe it’s because VN are getting more popular by the week and more and more are reading them!
WOW, 20x to 30x the average load is too!
Well, thanks for all your work, and I would like to help in something.
I accidentally the servers.
Just kidding.
Let us know how things turn out, Aaeru.
Back to half-assed studying/playing weekly releases
If you’re going to buy a new PC, might as well spend the extra $100 to get a quad core–especially when you expect parallel processing power will be a bottleneck.
thanks for doing all this for the fandom XD
Thank you for your dedication and hard work, Aaeru! We love you!