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Regarding Upcoming MoeNovel Game Kono Oozora ni, Tsubasa wo Hirogete

Found something Cecil linked me, regarding the upcoming MoeNovel game Kono Oozora ni, Tsubasa wo Hirogete. Quote:

Deleted/Edited Content:
– removed sexual humor
– removed 17 sex scenes (including over half the CG)
– removed images of kissing with lips touching
– added towels to characters in the bath
(there may be more edits we don’t know about yet) [ according to Ojamajo LimePie]

There’s two bathing scenes that I can remember outside of h-scenes but towels is still much better than plain chopping them out (….cause they’re KINDA important). but sexual humour and kissing is overkill. I hope they re-decide for the official release. [MoeNovel]

EDIT: from @Shiro_Prinny


I'm the Fuwanovel community admin and a big fan of Visual Novels. The easiest way to get a hold of me is via a PM on the Fuwanovel Forums, by twitter (@ArchmageTay), or by email.

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11 years ago

censoring an eroge? for the PC?? wow…

Reply to  Hiyama
11 years ago

That’s because its against the Cononers and Justice Act 2009, 18 USC 1466A making it effectively illegal as it depicts minors.

11 years ago

I thought it was a joke…

11 years ago

If my heart had wings, they would not be censored.

11 years ago

LOL… when i saw that post thin on top… i just thought, why not they just making a different new one games…
i mean.. they deleted all essential things that make that vn..
i don’t think it is the same vn anymore..

11 years ago

沒有H場景和H幽默完全扼殺了這遊戲, 硬是改成全年齡版實在可惜, 會玩VN類大多數都滿18歲, 這實在會讓本來想買這遊戲的我卻步, 實在不想買一個殘缺版的遊戲.

On the other hand, this game DVD Disc needs online checking to play.

replay from playasia
Thank you for contacting

Yes the game will need to be activate online, register an account and
checking is be necessary

Maybe this game uses “steam” system to check.

11 years ago

沒有H場景和H幽默完全扼殺了這遊戲, 硬是改成全年齡版實在可惜, 會玩VN類大多數都滿18歲, 這實在會讓本來想買這遊戲的我卻步, 實在不想買一個殘缺版的遊戲.

On the other hand, this game DVD Disc needs online checking to play.

replay from playasia
Thank you for contacting

Yes the game will need to be activate online, register an account and
checking is be necessary

Maybe this game uses “steam” system to check.

11 years ago

If what’s said here is true then what was the point of releasing this when the people who would most likely buy this game are the people who want to play it in its entirety, they way the developers wanted the player to see it. In my opinion MoeNovel should have just picked a less risque Visual Novel and translated that, I would have been happy to purchase a non 18+ eroge w/ a good story as long as it is complete. Doing that is much better than butchering a perfect good Visual Novel.

11 years ago

On a side note though, I do hope someone just patches and edits the English text in the official release to the Japanese version and just fills in the missing English translations for the H scenes, hopefully they also edit the removed sexual humor and put in the original one from the Japanese translation. I’m sure fans of Visual Novels would appreciate that very much plus it’s less work to do than having to translate the entire thing. But that’s just me hoping.

11 years ago

. . . . . . . use atlas and TA……i think its better to play even crappy translation with ero than non

11 years ago

I dont get it….
Why they dont release two Versions? -.-

11 years ago

One thing I’m wondering about is that some said there is supposedly a route where the character get involved with both twins at the same time. It would be interesting if anyone who is more informed about how exactly it goes send them an email asking about it. Because if there is a route that actually involves incest and/or polygamy, considering the rating they want to get, they may need to censor more than just the ero scenes in it.

11 years ago

– Censored humor
– Censored ero

No thanks…

Imagine play Tsukihime without ero or sexual humor:
Senpai isn’t senpai without her glasses

11 years ago

I am not sure who they expect to buy this. This whole release just seems like a bad joke.

11 years ago

I was still planning on buying it, until I saw the mention of DRM. If the released product actually does contain DRM, I won’t bother.

11 years ago

Making an Eroge to Teen-age visual novel… *face palm*.
Censorship? Mangagamer and Jast are still translating them…
Still, This would consider as O.K ONLY if they make it for gaming console (PSVita and PS3). But, Removing scenes stated above are simply overdoing. Weird, Games with violent and gore are allowed but kissing or partially nude are rejected… (–_–)? What kind of logic is that?

Reply to  Froir
11 years ago

‘murica Logic 😉

Reply to  Froir
11 years ago


11 years ago

the game has already been submitted to the ESRB for rating, they couldn’t ‘reconsider’ the removed parts even if they wanted to

also removing over half the CGs when they’re selling it at under half the original price is a perfectly reasonable thing to do. you’re still getting your money’s worth. if they offered the ero version for sale would you pay $90 for it?

@TheEducatedMan: you are not the target audience, people who will impulse buy the game when it appears on Steam are, and there are thousands more of those then there are people who know and care that this game was ‘censored’ (a more fair description is ‘made acceptable to sell on Steam’)

face reality, eroge are never going to succeed in the west if they stay ero

Reply to  Anonymous
11 years ago

Consider most VN publisher target audience are in Japan, they wouldn’t expect much in the west. + Official translation of Eroge has sales more that All-age or Teen-age VN.

Reply to  Anonymous
11 years ago

“Official translation of Eroge has sales more that All-age or Teen-age VN.”
do you have a source for this?
I’m pretty sure the all-ages Analogue: A Hate Story has outsold every ‘Official translation of Eroge’ by a factor of ten times or more (and not uncoincidentially, it’s on Steam)
also, the all-ages Ever17 is still one of the most popular translated VNs of all time and used copies regularly sell for $200

Reply to  Anonymous
11 years ago

+9999 for Froir, in the CEO of Minori’s interview, he said that they once tried releasing a Visual Novel for just all-ages, and it didn’t sell that great.

Reply to  Anonymous
11 years ago

In my opinion, those two are bad examples since they’re All-ages visual novels from the start. But for eroges, h-scenes are part of their charm, it’s part of the game’s content.

Reply to  Anonymous
11 years ago

Before I was like just kill me.
But then I read about it being published on Steam. Whether that’s true or not even dying seems useless now.

11 years ago

“- removed images of kissing with lips touching”

Putting aside the H scenes, this sounds like the most retarded thing ever. lolol kissing will corrupt the minds of kids! WILL SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN.

I don’t even care about this game but it really does sound like they’re basically butchering it.

11 years ago

Wow, eroge just died :’c

11 years ago

Officaly not gonna buy it 😛 .