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Danganronpa 100% English Translation Patch Released!

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The translation patch is here! [[Release] Danganronpa English Translation v1.0]

Big Congratz to Project Zetsubou who has been busy with this release since August 2011. Note that this patch only works on the PSP The Best edition of the game. Acquire the game (see below) and follow the tutorial on applying the patch on their blog post. Or wait for me to upload it here: [].

The full name is Danganronpa: Hope’s Academy and Despair’s Students. Basically it is a murder mystery-esque visual novel with some gameplay in it (some shooting and some rhythm game). 15 elite students are trapped in a school and the only way they can leave is to kill another student without anyone else knowing that they did it.


Translation: BlackDragonHunt
Editing: Ritobito
Hacking: /a/non scanlations
Image Editing: Vodka, Aya Kyunik
Video Editing: Pixelz
Translation Checking: LordSilent
Testing: Klee, Uznare
Special Thanks: arisu, Rivalee

The team will move on to Super Dangan Ronpa 2 (the sequel) after this. They’re also working on the manga. Please see this in-depth tutorial on how to acquire the game.

You can get the game from, ideally play this on PSP but you can also run on emulator: []

Via xraider on
In case somebody plans to emulate, here is my experience :
1.Unless there are some specific settings, this doesnt really work in PPSSPP. Game has pretty much no sound, videos dont work and it bugs out the moment you get to actual gameplay.
2.Besides a very irritating slowdown when conversations come around, works very well on Jpcsp
3.Didn't try pcsp.

 So this is actually the first visual novel on PSP that got fully translated into English.


I'm the Fuwanovel community admin and a big fan of Visual Novels. The easiest way to get a hold of me is via a PM on the Fuwanovel Forums, by twitter (@ArchmageTay), or by email.

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11 years ago

I wonder if my pc would run a psp emulator… :c

Reply to  SieghartXx
9 years ago

Actually you can

11 years ago

Danganronpa works on the PPSSPP emulator.

The bad news is that there is an important bug that should be solved to continue playing.

Take a look at the last post at

11 years ago

How do we apply the patch to the original game (in japanese)?
I downloaded the original game on and I tried to patch it with the translated patch…but it doesn’t work.

Ero Kyun
Reply to  Nanahoshii
11 years ago

Go to the translators Site, there is instructions there how to apply it.

Reply to  Ero Kyun
5 years ago

Is there a translation for tales of radiant mythology 1???

11 years ago

> So this is actually the first visual novel on PSP that got fully translated into English.
Milky Holmes for example?

11 years ago

This seems to run on a CFW PS3 as a PSP remaster too. I don’t really have time to play it right now, but so far so good.

11 years ago

[…] is a fan translation of the 1st game which was completed by Project Zetsubou just two weeks ago. So I’m very happy that NISA didn’t […]

11 years ago

Will we be told when Super Dagan Ronpa 2 has been translated?

11 years ago

Stuck in Naegi’s Bedroom
it’s bug or what ???

and… it’s work on PC or not ??

11 years ago

can someone post some tutorial(hopefully a video) on how you can put the english patch on the game? I already downloaded the game and also the patch, but Im having a hard time finding where can I put the patch.Already read the instruction, which says that I shall copy the Danganronpa ISO to same folder as the patch files (or the other way around).(sorry too much noob to handle this thing),but I have no clue where that Danganronpa.iso file could be,so anyone willingly like to help me please so that I can finally play the game?

Reply to  kero-kero
11 years ago

hey kero where did you download your game from?

did you download from fuwa or somewhere else? the copy on fuwa is prepatched if that helps

Mystery Party
11 years ago

We are already fortunate to make use of a friend’s house that sits on
over five acres for parties. If the murder
happens on the party as opposed to before than the first set
of clues may need to get delayed – don’t look on the clock look at your guests and move things along at there pace.
It would help you keep track of various stuff that are necessary for that party.

11 years ago

Why the Language of the game is still Japanesse? i open it with PPSSPP of android.

Reply to  Jaiz
11 years ago

Sorry my Bad, its working i just only forgot to use the patch file, now its english i love it, Thank you guys.

Mkv Anime
10 years ago

where is the link?