Thx to debono9 for the heads up. There is a fan translation going for Miles Edgeworth 2 at this location: [].
According to wikipedia article: “In January 2013, Svensson was again asked about.. Gyakuten Kenji 2 localization, and he responded… there were no news to report, and that all Ace Attorney resources, especially localization ones, were focused on Ace Attorney 5.[17] It was widely assumed that Gyakuten Kenji 2 wasn’t localized due to poor sales but producer Motohide Eshiro stated "The main reason was just scheduling… Also, the staff for Ace Attorney Investigations 2—after they finished developing the game, they were disbanded and went to different teams, so they weren’t in a position to localize."[18]"
It looks like the commercial localization was cancelled so now fans have taken it up upon themselves to do the localization, [see].
Check out the Case 3 song + eng subbed:
Current progress.
Quoting Auryn from 22nd June 2013:
“In short then:
Case specific graphics: completed all but inserted only case 1 (and probably 2).
Common graphics: done
Voices (case specific): done but not inserted yet.
Common text: done and inserted
Case specific text: Case 1/2 complete and inserted, case 3 WIP.
Literal translation: continuing case 3 and big jump forward expected while/end of the summer
Localization/insertion: same as above
ASM work: throw back but or no affect on the progress or a big boost expected (no timeline for this)
Bug fixing: expected to be completed next month.
Release date: unknow
Release version: unknow
Cases covered by the patch on first release: The first release will be a partial patch for sure and will include Case 1 complete.
Release compatibility: emulator and real hardware targeted (if your flashcard can not play the AP patched japanese rom, you will probably not be able to play the translation either!)”
A partial patch containing Case 1 Completed will be appearing soon (probably end of summer?).
You can follow the progress of the translation here: []
there’s an article on kotaku
“Why Ace Attorney Investigations 2 Never Made It To America”
also forgot to mention, the fan translators are going to make sure the game works on emulator as well.
i need the link download the game please
is this a DS game?
As if the box art didn’t give that away.
Luk guis wee hav a genus heer
Jk, no one could be that illiterate.
MoeNovel has so much time to desecrate If My Heart Had Wings and even rewrote most of the story but they don’t have time to actually translate a VN that is ALL-AGES and has a good story. Instead, they choose to butcher a 18+ VN into a All-ages VN, ignoring the All-age VN that was there for grabs.
Probably due to all sorts of licensing mumbo jumbo. (Capcom game)
I know I would have loved for them to localize this game, it would have given me something great to laugh at.
I’m currently watching the translation video by dowolf on youtube. this game is epic! shame that they cancel this.
メンズ ファッション ブランド 上にあげたものはどれも控え目なデザインで地味で気取らないですが服の形じたいはけっこうかっこいいです。色は黒やグレーが多いです。値段は大体ジャケット3万、ボトムス1.5万、インナー1万~ぐらいですかね。 レアウンが出しているシンプルライフというブランドがありますが、デザイン的に恐ろしく粗雑。オッサンの休日ウエアに成り果てていますね。
Hey, what about the translation state? How is it going? 🙂