This is for the sequel of the Navel game tsuriotsu, called “Otome Riron to Sono Shuuhen” (乙女理論とその周辺). Originally the main selling point was the imouto chara Risona gets upgraded to main heroine for the sequel. They made this really clear from the start. But now there is a twitter announcement saying she’s been removed as one of the heroine.
This was what the front page looked like before the master up (notice right side):
And this is the tweet:
It says she got bought out by some company and now removed as heroine from game.
To me it sounds too much like a PR move. They’re going to announce the two last mystery characters tomorrow. So just wait for that. I bet she just comes back but under another name or something and somehow it’s part of the plot.
Source: [ and]
Btw Risona is not drawn by Nishimata Aoi. It’s another person.
She is drawn by Hiro Suzuhira, who also drew Nerine from Shuffle! and Kasugano Sora from Yosuga no Sora
More arts by her :
Y WHY WHY. . . . . mai imouto. Finished the prequel already and looking forward to imouto route. JASUS
the last two characters are in today’s countdown video
not risona at all
by the way are they telling the reason?
Looks like I have to commit suicide…
Who the hell needs Risona. Give me my Ion x Asahi sex already.
Uhhhh one of those cgs is not of Risona…
that’s ok… as long as we stay quiet about it 😀
im really dissapointed, even if i were to find out earlier… at the day when they tweet about it, it’s all been to late!
the Pre-Order can’t be canceled by that time!
i guess they play dirty to gain more buyers!
okay, i got confirmation from Navel, it was says that those are just jokes from the countdown voice, Risona route is still exist!
still, it’s not a laughable joke!
Link down =_=