The website and blog was down for a bit over a day but they are back up now. However the forums will be down for a while, because they were running a shared copy of IP.Board and Invision got ping’d of its existence who then complained to OVH, and OVH took down my site within 24 hours. The whole site. Not just the forums.
This is immense immense government power. It’s actually quite insane.
Anyway Tay is working on converting the old IP.Board to PHPBB which is free software. All of the posts and threads should be preserved, so nothing is lost.
I’m just hoping OVH doesn’t throw something crazy again.
I’ll add that much of the work — including some fantastic, “creative” programming — has been done by Nayleen. He’s been a lifesaver, and absolutely key to the entire site recovery.
Thanks for all the good work Tay! (And all the other Fuwanovel admins as well :3)
Silly Tay giving me way too much credit for everything :S
Yay the main site is back!
Good luck getting the forums back up!
You may want to consider SMF which is also released under a free license (BSD). IIRC the admin part looks nicer for installing 3rd-party addons.
Glad to see you guys are back online 🙂
I am glad to see you up and running again yay 🙂 Thank you to everyone who helped 😉
Mind if I ask who OVH and the others cited in the post are? I feel like I’m missing some context…
OVH should be the hosting provider if I’m not completely off-base.
Oh, and in case there’s a pro at converting from ipboard 3.x out there, your help may be useful lol
what the? seriously? who’s report it?
Nay suspects IPB signals back to someone, possibly the guys making it. Not a bad idea if you want moneys really, you go after boards that have grown large enough and take them down; some of them will buy an expensive license instead of going through somewhat painful conversion processes.
thats kinda lame , seriously .
damn. those ppl really loves to destroy a nice community.
Actually makes a lot of sense.
I mean, it’s utterly selfish and all ._.
God damned assholes. Every single one of them.
I was scared shirt-less you know ? -_-u
Relieved to see the site back up, though Fuwanovel does seem to have a very reliable staff anyway, guess it was just a matter of time until that got sorted.
just wondering why the site got taken down.
and i mean the reason behind it.
because i dont think you guys are doing anything bad here.
Never realised how much my time on the internet was dependant on the forums. 🙁 Hope they’re back soon.
yeah, I also miss the lolis 🙁
Well; the Loli thread should still be on the new forums; so it shouldn’t be lost for good xD
Since the forums are down; I’m not sure where to say this aside from here.
On Chaos;Head, the description says that chapter 7 is bugged; but a friend of mine says it’s actually chapter 6 – could someone look into that? I know things are busy with the forums and all though xD
I think your friend is probably wrong. I tested it myself long ago and the chapter mentioned in the documentation for my version was the bugged one; in the nyaa torrent I found it also mentions ch7
Oh and i forgot to mention, but forums are actually back-ish atm (though kinda in testing stage, so god knows what will happen to any posts. check into #fuwanovel on rizon if you want to test them as well I guess…)
“However the forums will be down for a while, because they were running a shared copy of IP.Board”
This represents an astonishing lack of foresight on your part. It’s hard to tell whether you bumble yourself into these situations or just willfully ignore the possibility that they could occur because you disagree with the legal / philosophical premise (“I reject your reality and subsitute my own”). Either way, the result speaks for itself.
it’s not a lack of foresight, i was astonished that the monopoly has reached this level of monstrosity that the privileged party can veto a site’s existence within 24 hours. sure it’s part of OVH’s policy but that is because they are forced to do this because of the incredible power of the power wielders. and instead of speaking in defence of property rights, you relish in it when evil is committed.
you are such an idiot.
if you only took the time to do the research to uncover the history and nature and source of these state-granted statutory privileges, you would not have to look like a fool all the time in front of even lawyers who are pro-copyright.
Why not go look it up? This *reality* thing.
a good place to start might be lawrence lessig’s (founder of creative commons) latest book on the subject called Remix.
because before you do that, i don’t see how you can lecture me on reality for a person who had spent 4 solid months looking up and understanding copyright.
I already started getting worried as I didn’t know that main site is back up as in my bookmark Fuwanowel is saved on the forum page.
[…] everybody, Tay here. It’s been a very busy few weeks. We’ve missed a bunch of news, but here’s a few stories that we hope […]
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