Hey everybody, Tay here. This may or may not be old news to you, but Groupees has launched Doujin Bundle 2. There are a lot of interesting titles in the bundle:
- Higurashi When They Cry (VN)
- Hatoful Boyfriend (otome VN)
- eXceed 2nd – Vampire REX
- eXceed 3rd – Jade Penetrate Black Package
- HellSinker
- With more unlockables
The bundle works similarly enough to the Humble Bundle system — pay what you think is fair, and get great games. If enough people purchase the bundle, more goodies will be unlocked. (Thanks to Eri on the Fuwanovel Forums for always keeping us updated!)
Groupees: Doujin Bundle 2
I bought this and the first too. In the first ALL the goodies were unlocked, maybe this time again. ^_^