Hey people, Kaguya here.
I’m starting this small corner where I’ll make updates on any progress on the translation of visual novels monthly. Want to check them by yourself? You should go to vntls, where they post all updates
Seeeki! Bukkake Bokujou! – Released
Ruby Striker – October 25th release
Toushin Toshi II – Released
Toradora PSP – Fully translated, Oct 26th release planned
Supreme Candy – 8122/43261 (18.8%) lines translated
Monster Girl Quest 3 – 89376/131806 (67.8%) lines translated, 62% partial patch released
Koiken Otome – 50.24% translated, 13.77% through second pass
DRAMAtical Murder re:connect – Fully translated, reviewing routes
Coμ – Kuroi Ryuu to Yasashii Oukoku – 32142/51433 (62.49%) lines translated, common/Benio route partial patch out, Hisoka route fully translated
12Riven -the Ψcliminal of integral – 31.5/72 scripts translated
Fate/Hollow Ataraxia– 97.5% translated, third partial patch out
Hatsuyuki Sakura – Between 10 and 15% translated
Kourin no Machi – 13075/36959 (35.4%) lines translated
KuruKuru Fanatic – 46% translated
Oreimo PSP – 251/299 scripts translated, 69/299 through TLC+Editing
Subarashiki Hibi ~Furenzoku Sonzai~ – Down the Rabbit Hole I patch released, 41090/53562 (76.7%) lines translated and 40597/53562 (75.8%) lines edited
I/O – All scripts and tips translated. 127/249 scripts and all tips edited
Killer Queen – New translation started from scratch, 40/72 scripts translated and 18/72 scripts edited
Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate – 227/397 files translated, 132/397 files edited, Common/Chisato routes fully translated
Yosuga no Sora – Common 100%, Sora 100%, Nao 19.76%, Kazuha 100%, Akira 61.99% Motoka 23.08%, Common and Kazuha fully edited
Princess Evangile – 41% translated, 40% edited
Armored Warrior Iris – 46% translated
Valkyrie Svia – 32% translated
Space Pirate Sara – 25% translated
Air – 90.4% translated
Highlights go to Monster Girl Quest 3 and Air. Both had very significant progress this month.
Also, we had the release of two VNs this week, Toushin Toshi and Bukkake Bokujou, a Alicesoft RPG and a nukige by softhouse seal respectively.
Koichoco is doing fine, huh? <3
Gotta love Koichoco! 😀
I hope Air is finished soon. I’m really looking forward to this.
The only thing I’m looking at right now is Little Busters Ecstasy. Been looking at that for quite a while now…
I like how you just copy-paste shit from vntls without giving them any credit.
I like how you’re anonymous.
Well, there are various sites that already do VN tracking. I am, by no means, trying to omit that from people. The main idea here was that there are quite a few newcomers or even normal people who don’t like to do information gathering/don’t bother enough to do it, so I decided to do this.
I also try to filter the information by checking the translator pages and such, to avoid mistakes that happen sometimes. The idea here is just to help more people, not to get glory to ourselves. If I was truly unconcerned, I’d just copy-paste whenever they posted something, without checking the information first.
Just a passing newfag that doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
You didn’t really have to explain all that kaguya, i thank you for the post.
I shouldn’t even need to expound on this, but as that list was made possible only via the vntls scraper, it goes without saying that they deserve some kind of mention. Just so we’re under no false assumptions, vntls isn’t a mere VN aggregator or tracker; they use self-written tools to compile their weekly lists.
Things may be different where you live, but in most parts of the world, failing to mention a source implies original research, and therefore, regardless of your intentions, this is essentially theft of credit.
On the other hand, if my point isn’t getting across, maybe Aaeru can explain it better. Regardless, in the VN fantranslation community, where most work is performed free of charge and receives only limited recognition, it is crucial to properly apportion credit to those who deserve it.
Failure to cite sources is, of course, also a breach of journalistic ethics, but that’s less important here.
You’re forgetting.. all of this information will get posted here anyways.
It’s just a quick update, i don’t think anyone here thinks kaguya is the original source.
Anybody know how the Tenshin Ranman trans is doing??
Hm. There’s the prologue patch released, and they’re at 1308.4/4560 lines (28.69%) translated
omg, someone is translating Space Pirate Sara!? And according to VNDB, it is MangaGamer!? Is this a sign of future Black Lilith titles from MangaGamer?
Oh these monthly updates will be quite useful,thanks Kaguya 🙂
Milky Holmes for PSP is 100% (except for the videos).
How’s Mashiro Iro Symphony’s progress going? Their website haven’t updated in ages.
leave this to vntls, or leave a link. it really does look like you copy-paste from them. And if you really do want to help newcomers leaving their link will help them see all the VN’s current status. and vntls updates weekly which makes it better.
Thanks for this.
my first comment… sorry but anyone know what’s going on with Dracu-Riot?