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Want Ever17 on Android/iOS? There's a poll for that.


Hey everybody, Tay here.  lolgc (through MetalUpa1014) has expressed a willingness to make an Ever17 patch for android/iOS (similar to the Steins;Gate patch he did with Ant08).  The catch? He wants to make sure there’s enough community demand before starting the project.

If you’d like to see Ever17 on Android/iOS, please consider registering on the Fuwanovel forums and voting in the poll here.  There are, of course, complications to the project (the thread linked to includes discussion of lolgc’s plans), but he’s asked that I blog these links to gauge community support.

As for me, more mobile VNs = good thing.  I voted “yes.”

Poll: Would you be interested in having an English patch for the iOS and Android versions of Ever 17? 


I'm the Fuwanovel community admin and a big fan of Visual Novels. The easiest way to get a hold of me is via a PM on the Fuwanovel Forums, by twitter (@ArchmageTay), or by email.

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10 years ago

Wait. I already played it on android.
On the vnds android engine. Fully working with voice.

It was included in the torrent “visual novels for Android” that i found a link to in an article once.

So, i guess he’s too late. But always nice to see effort for android.

Reply to  johanka5
10 years ago

Supposedly vnds is not omnipotent. It can’t support video. Also MetalUpa1014 said it’s limited by terms of movement, donno what he means by that tho.

Besides, if there is a possibility for a perfect port. I’d take it. haha.

Reply to  johanka5
10 years ago

VNDS is a simple visual novel engine. It lacks of many things, that are quiet essential for engines nowadays:
No movie support
No transistion animation support
No charactersprites/backgroundimage animation (that’s what metalupa meant) support
No menu support
And even some more things…

Anyhow, VNDS is okay as it had a nice idea, but you can still make out, that it was originally made as a homebrew application for the Nintendo DS.


Reply to  johanka5
10 years ago

VNDS can’t skip only already read parts as well. At least that didn’t work for me at the time.

10 years ago

Btw the article wasn’t from this site. I cant remember where it was. It listed a lot of ways to get novels working on android and downloads of novels were included.

10 years ago

posted a discussion board about this to promote on MAL

10 years ago

[…] to go live last week.  Lolgc has asked that I post about two more projects in addition to the Ever17 iOS/android Fuwanovel poll which I recently covered.  They are translation projects for: 428 – In a blockaded Shibuya, […]