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Zakamutt's True Remembrance Review

True Remembrance

Earlier today, Zakamutt wrote a stunningly good review on True Remembrance, a memorable visual novel developed by Shiba Satomi. Here’s a short summarf of his thoughts on this game:

The prose is pretty good: you can feel that the translator and/or editor did a quality job…major props to the guys that worked on that.

The music fits well; it reminds me of the Kanon soundtrack in a good way — it gives off that winter vibe. However, I feel there could have been a few more tracks and/or track variations thrown in — one piece in particular was repeated a bit too much.

The sprite art in True Remembrance is beautiful. It’s not exactly conventional beauty, though…There’s something about the artstyle — the sprites kind of feel like they were done in watercolor. A kind of washed-out, transparent, cold feel. It really fits the game’s winter atmosphere.

All in all, True Remembrance has my strongest recommendations in a long while. Pretty much everything about it is good, and it’s not a super-long read either…I cried a little, and, well, it’s just beautiful in general.

[I give it a] 9/10. I hope Sekai Project (kind of a spiritual successor to Insani) eventually brings over more doujin VNs after they finish with Narcissu; all the ones Insani translated have been interesting.

Check out the full review on solidbatman’s blog.

True Remembrance


I'm the Fuwanovel community admin and a big fan of Visual Novels. The easiest way to get a hold of me is via a PM on the Fuwanovel Forums, by twitter (@ArchmageTay), or by email.

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11 years ago

For some reason the email notification for this post was sent to my spam folder this time.

11 years ago

That’s odd.

11 years ago

Excellent… another VN added to my winter vacation reading list.

Reply to  thegunner100
11 years ago

Yay! I was hoping I could get people to read it, given that it doesn’t seem well known.