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Sekai Project launches kickstarter for fault milestone one -director’s cut-

On June 18, Sekai Project launched a kickstarter for a translation of fault milestone one -director’s cut-. Right now, the campaign is almost funded at $4,713/$5,000.

The novel was created by ALICE IN DISSONANCE, a Japanese doujin circle formed in 2011 aiming to combine Western storytelling with anime-style art. fault -milestone one- was released to the Japanese audience in 12-08-2013 as the first part of an episodic series; only the first episode can be bought at this time.

A short summary of the VN’s storyline by Sekai Project:

The story revolves around a princess and her royal guard who have been accidentally teleported to the other side of the planet while trying to escape a brutal attack that has devastated their homeland of Rughzenhaide. The “milestone series” tells the tale of their journey home.

Arguably this merely substitutes Eastern clichés for Western ones, but it should still be somewhat of a breath of fresh air. I’m also not unsympathetic to the argument that execution matters more than originality.

I’ll also mention that the VN seems to not be for the (very?) faint of heart, given the somewhat bloody nature of this CG.


Writer of irreverent VNTS commentaries, shadowy Fuwanovel string puller, Swedish, ambivalent toward meatballs. Brave Fuwanovel Skype Group memeber (rip), technically a reviewer, chronic everything staller. I am all these things and more, but mostly I'm really lazy. Loves yuri, reading, chocolate, and quality sugar-free colas. Hates VNs with too many choices and long walks on the beach.

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10 years ago

Pretty excited to see this one! 🙂 Though, my heart will still not be prepared for the CG’s like the one given D:

10 years ago

I now realize a certain text placed in a non-obvious location is rather silly on a few points. Let’s see if anyone can find it, since I cba to edit 😛

Found it
Reply to  Zakamutt
10 years ago

You mean the pic text. ‘interest w.’ Is that a JPN style wwwww from niconico? Just screwing with ya’ keep up with news like this, I love kickstarters like this.

Reply to  Zakamutt
10 years ago

Close but no cigar~. I’m pretty used to the warainess by now and don’t consider it an error. Maybe ’tis only me that actually sees the issue I’m thinking of here, but I do consider the problem to reside within the pic’s title text.

I’ll keep the news up as arsedness permits, though after July 1 I’ll be on the road for a month. Bug Nosebleed about it.

Jesus theres already this thing about tears to tiara 2, oh well my sick self shall report on that tomorrow hopefully… (this is >siliconera so might want to check sources…)

10 years ago

Is this 18+?

Reply to  Bluetooth-kun
10 years ago

Well, at least non-H. The “all-ages” thing is kinda funny anyway, lol.

9 years ago

[…] actually wrote a post on fault -milestone one- way back when it was still in the kickstarter phase. The original demo was […]

9 years ago

[…] translation of the fantasy VN fault -milestone one-. The novel’s translation was funded by a Kickstarter run by Sekai Project. Created by the two-man circle ALiCE IN DISSONANCE, milestone one is intended […]