Angela He released their latest work STOP BURYING ME ALIVE, BEAUTIFUL! on October 4th, 2023. The VN is a collaborative effort between them and fellow indie developers Allie Vera, Destini Islands, and Robobarbie for the game jam Ludum Dare. The theme used for this year’s jam was “Limited Space”, hence the synopsis of the VN.
Angela He is an indie dev known for releasing emotional titles such as mixed messages. and its sequel a new life, both of which have “Overwhelmingly Positive” reviews on Steam. They do the storyline, art, and coding for most of the VNs that they release as a solo dev. STOP BURYING ME ALIVE, BEAUTIFUL! is the 7th VN they’ve released, but it’s the first one that they didn’t write the scenario for. Instead, Angela He focused on creating the art and music for the game, delegating the scenario to Allie Vera and Destini Islands and the programming to Robobarbie.
Under the Ludum Dare’s The Jam format, their team made STOP BURYING ME ALIVE, BEAUTIFUL! within 72 hours. Per its guidelines, each asset used in the submitted game must be the participants’ original work, which means that the whole VN was made from scratch. If you’re interested in rating their work for the jam, you can still access the page for their Ludum Dare submission here.

You wake up to your girlfriend burying you alive, and she won't be convinced that you aren't dead. One of several problems, it turns out, as you find yourself dealing with rats trying to take a few early bites out of you! And just who is the girl talking to you from underground? Itchio Description

- 2 strange (but charming??) love interests
- 3 endings with full panel illustration
- Original, atmospheric art and soundscapes
- So many funky rats you can barely keep track‼️
STOP BURYING ME ALIVE, BEAUTIFUL! is available to download for free on Angela He’s Itchio page. If you’re interested in their other works, you can follow their Twitter account for more updates and related content.
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