Hanachirasu is a story of rivalry and vengeance set in an alternate modern day Japan, where the atomic bomb was never successfully developed during World War II and thus never detonated. Tokyo has since become an isolated haven for Japanese culture and the way of the sword, with firearms being completely banned from the city aside from a select few. Hanachirasu’s tale focuses on two men and their quest to kill each other; Takeda Akane, who longs to face his one true rival, and Igarasu Yoshia, a man driven by the desire to exact revenge for his slain lover.
You can read the full review over at LewdGamer (NSFW)
Click here to purchase Hanachirasu in Digital or Hard-Copy (NSFW)
Hanachirasu Review
- Rillania
- Review-hub (Legacy)
- October 18, 2015
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