Hakuoki: Kyoto Winds is the latest instalment in the popular Hakuoki series that needs no introduction in the otome community. Published by Idea Factory International, Hakuoki: Kyoto Winds is the latest game to join the ranks of the otome genre alongside similar titles like Code: Realize ~Guardian of Rebirth~ and Amnesia: Memories. As an otome title with its fair share of romance, Hakuoki: Kyoto Winds is a departure from the conventional otome titles on the market with charm and charisma that certainly lives up to the series’ reputation.
Hakuoki: Kyoto Winds is a remastered title of the original Hakuoki series set in Kyoto that takes place in 1863 and near the end of the Bakumatsu period. A lone girl named Chizuru Yukimura searches for her missing father in traveling from Edo to Kyoto. Venturing alone on a dark night, she finds herself in harm’s way when she is attacked by a deadly gang of samurai. On the verge of death, she is unexpectedly saved by the notorious Shinsengumi. As a witness to the deadly encounter, she is forced to live with the men of Shinsengumi who agree to spare her life in exchange for her silence and mutual cooperation.
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