Running one of the leading Visual Novel news and review outlets and an huge English fan community isn’t always cheap: There are server, domain and other hosting related costs as well as regular costs for various software licenses we have to cover to make sure we can operate Fuwanovel and its community in the long term. Also, we are still looking for ways to reward our hard working blog writers, so we can give them something back for their contributions at Fuwanovel. Although we hope that we can cover most of these expenses through the Fuwanovel Advertising Program in the future, we still struggling to cover large part of our overall expenses. For this reason, we’re really happy for any kind of financial support from our readers and community members.

Ways to support Fuwa

Patreon is the most common and well-known donation service on the web, used by many creators, influencers and websites and its the best solution if you want to support us on a regular basis. You can choose between three different subscription plans which cost around 3$, 6$ and 12$/month. In exchange for your subscription, you’ll get some perks/benefits, like special backer roles on Fuwa Discord and the FuwaForums. If you subscribe the Fuwa Support Package Large for at least 3 months, you’ll also get the official Fuwanovel mug for free.

> Visit Fuwanovel on Patreon

Ko-Fi is a straightforward and easy-to-use donation service, used by many blogs and websites. It’s perfect if you just want to support us once or irregularly. Unlike the more well-known Patreon, you can freely choose when and with how much money you want to support us, but you will not get any perks/benefits in exchange for your donations. Still, we are also offering perk-based, Patreon-like subscription plans for people who want to support us regularly via Ko-Fi. Overall, those Ko-Fi plans offer fewer perks, but are cheaper compared to Patreon.

> Visit Fuwanovel on Ko-Fi

Fuwatastic Supporters

SupporterSocial Media PageWebsite/Community
TulipTumblr  Dreamwidth
Mr. Tropical  
blissful berylTwitter/X
Caleb ColesYouTubePatreon Page
Saikey StudiosTwitter/XWebsite, Discord
RickPatreon User Page
CatPatreon User Page
ChiiDaisukePatreon User Page
brodie everritPatreon User Page
Yomiko ReadmanPatreon User Page