Oreimo on the site looks like this. And if you click the banner it goes to this very boring page. To manually navigate to the oreimo page you have to go through the painful ‘Upcoming’ page (which I think is incredibly hard to use).
Actually I think the whole site is incredibly hard to use. It needs to have a search filter and there needs to be a way for the user to Show more than 10 games at a time on the ‘Browse’ page. (e.g. a dropdown menu to select ‘show 100 games’)
(note: oreimo fan translation courtesy of Ziddy)
A rather simple way of making the browsing more easy. Would be adding links to the page with the name of each title A B C D E F.. etc at the top bar of the browsing page, the list is already alpabetic, could be a hassle to make though.
Gigantic list would be practical too.
Search too. (Though you can just use google and search site:fuwanovel.org “clannad” (or whatever)