We are proud to announce that our translation of Natsuyume Nagisa is now underway. It has penguins and shit.
(Copied from Original Post)
Our (supah) hacker still has a couple of issues to take care of (like a few scripts not extracting/recompiling properly), but since most of the scripts have been extracted we can finally get some work done. Our translator has already started work on the prologue + common route. Our sugoi~ image editor has also finished up a good amount of the image editing work.
For questions and whatnot, our contact info is on the About page. Do not pester us about translation progress; we will do our best to keep you updated about the project.
We have also subbed the visual novel’s OP. Enjoy your [KOTOKO sounds].
Best of luck to this new project~
Project Page: http://prioritiestl.wordpress.com/
VNDB.org: vndb.org/v1755
Bumpy Jumpy! I would definitely play this if it got translated. 😛 (Here’s my cat lying against my Natsuyume Nagisa cushion I got a long time ago for the pretty art: http://twitpic.com/4jbghu )