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5pb Releasing Disorder6 in August for PS3/X360

kyouuuuu: Tons of exiting stuff have been announced at this year’s E3 Expo, one of them being the release of Disorder6 for PS3 & Xbox 360! Here’s the the short teaser that was shown:

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Pretty awesome right? Here are some pictures for your enjoyment!
3 (1) 4 (1) 5 (1) 6 (1) 7 (1)9 (2) 10 (1)Disorder6 is set to release in Japan on August 22nd, 2013. A Limited Edition version, which includes both the original soundtrack CD and a radio CD, will also be available. For more information, check out the official website.
via [True Achievements]

aaeru: lol i like how they put the trailer out at E3!! maybe theyre trolling the west.

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11 years ago

Man…it would be so awesome if 5pb released their PS3/Xbox360 games in the west. I’m sure that people would purchase them, especially the anime fans. Alas I doubt that they ever will…

11 years ago

I hope they release a translated one here 🙁

Reply to  Nyx
11 years ago

Then we should wait for DYNAMIS first.

11 years ago


11 years ago

I agree. showing the teaser in E3 is really shady. i hope for a translation.
don’t care if it’s dunamis15 first or disorder6. howover i’ll play both in ps3.
(why no ones going to translate such games?)