New Sprite game is called 蒼の彼方のフォーリズム (“Aoi no Kanata no Four Rhythm”) the subtext is: Beyond the sky, into the firmament. They’ve only announced the name, the staff, and a blank website with the promotional image here: [] <— gaijin blocked
Funnily enough, the artist is Not Akinashi Yuu! (who drew the art for Koichoco and Imaimo). Instead it’s two persons by the names of: 悠木いつか and 鈴森, both new to the scene. The art still looks really high quality though. For writers they got the person who wrote Harumade Kururu and Sukima Sakura to Uso no Machi) and another writer who has helped with two of the Grisaia’s.
More details available in September’s edition of Dengeki G’s Magazine. (about 23 days)
Here is the big wallpaper they used for the background of the site: ^ Wallpaper 1670 x 950
^ photo of a sprite booth they setup at Messe (a shop) on the 27th and 28th April.
Actually insists that 鈴森=鈴森ほたる:
Also the third writer you haven’t written about for some reason – 陸奥竜介 – had worked on さかあがりハリケーン ~LET’S PILE UP OUR SCHOOL! together with 木緒なち who worked on Sakaki Yumiko’s route in Grisaia.
yea i know. but it’s sakagaari hurricane. hardly worth mentioning 😛
didn’t know that about 鈴森.
because on EGS, it says s/he’s a newcomer
I can access that page normally and I’m not using a proxy.
Oh, the subpage’s blocked.
[…] is thematically centered on Sprite’s new upcoming game “Aoi no Kanata no Four Rhythm” (see blog post). The new game is […]
Woah, it looks so cool! Looking foward to the release! 😀