There’s a new item on Feng’s online order webstore, it’s the Feng 2013 Summer Goods Set ≪C84≫. This was the pack they were selling at Comiket. []
For 5,800 yen + 500 yen shipping you get:
1) Super Extra Large Full Colour Tote Bag – 60cm x 54cm. breath = 21cm(?).
2) Assembled Clear Case.
3) Printed Coloured Cardboard of Mizuka from Chiisana Kanojo no Serenade.
4) Printed Coloured Cardboard of Himeiro from feng 8th game.
5・6・7・8) A4 sized cardboard standup panels of those characters.
9・10・11) 20cm x 20cm towel of those characters.
As usual you have to email this link
to asking for the feng2013夏グッズセット≪C84≫ along with anything else you want. Then ask for a quote. They still have C83 winter packs left over from last comiket O_O. and even at Discounted Prices. Maybe they weren’t that popular. That premium mofumofu blanket of Madoka for 14000 yen is so nice.
What do you mean by ask for a quote? O.o
Might be a dumb question xD
Is it even possible to ship it outside from Japan?