Good evening all!
Sorry for not posting much, I have been busy lately (T.T) But I’m back! I’ll be re-doing to Month in Review post every month from now on to keep you updated on all the news Aaeru shoots at you!
I attended Otakuthon 2013 on August 16th to the 18th! I decided to post some of the pictures that I took on the weekend. For those who don’t know what this event is, it’s simply an anime convention! 13,000+ attendees!
Welcome to the Palais des Congrès of Montreal!
So I went there Friday afternoon to pick up my badge and meet up some friends to plan out what to do for the weekend. Normal prices are around 30$-40$ a day, but since I pre-registered, I only paid 45$ for all 3 days 😉
I spent my whole saturday playing Yu-Gi-OH! & Weiss Schwarz, so I didn’t really get the chance to take picures. I did bad in the tournaments…XD
And also, no osu! tournament 🙁
Sunday is the day I took most of these pictures!
NOTE: I’M VERY BAD AT TAKING PICTURES….PLUS I HAD AN OLD CAMERA (~.~) I will invest on a new camera soon…no complains please >.<
Soooo enjoy? <3
Main event hall:
Market place:
I didn’t get to take a lot of pictures in the Market place since I don’t think I was allowed.
So there you have it! I know, I’ll take better pictures next year….Dx
PS: Best picture is always at the end!
Welcome back Aaeru! We have missed you.
lol sry,I mean “Fuwanovel”
Oh my…. I want that Shiori shirt so bad O.o
I was there xD
It was quite lively indeed..
And aeru, you live in montreal?
That’s a surprise..
I am not Aaeru (T.T)
Sorry about that, I’m just a noob passing by :p
Still cool to know I’m not the only one living here~
“I spent my whole saturday playing Yu-Gi-OH! & Weiss Schwarz, so I didn’t really get the chance to take picures.”
It happens me a lot xDD
I live in Montreal and go to Otakuthon every year *3* <3
It was the craziest this time…too many people X__x;;;;;
Hope you had fun :3 !!
Damnit >_< I was vacationing in Montreal around that time and I didn't know there was an Otakuthon D: *supah regret*
hahah not bad kyyyyooouu. Also Free! Cosplay at the end very good hahah. *splashhhh*
Camera is not ideal but plenty good for the pics. Enjoyed the post 😀
Thanks alot~
I will invest in a camera for future events!