Exciting news! The boys over at The Oxford Comma is Superior Subs have released their complete English translation for Noble Works! Noble Works was released in Japan in 2010 by Yuzusoft, who also developed the well-known Dracu-Riot. Noble Works features Takumi, a destitute high school student who finds himself in an unlikely scenario when he bumps into someone who looks almost identical to him. Turns out this doppelganger is Kanemoto Shuri, the eldest son of an extremely wealthy family and heir to a vast business empire. Takumi is roped into being Shuri’s body double, with Shuri being hospitalized and targeted by kidnappers, and attends school in his place. It’s from this point a light-hearted comedy and romance story begins.
This patch is the culmination of nearly eighteen months of hard work on the part of The Oxford Comma is Superior Subs. The team members there all deserve a hearty round of applause for their determined effort. For my part, I was actually recruited into the Noble Works project as a tester a few months ago, alongside fellow Fuwanovel user Tiag of Varela, although at some point I feel like we forced our way into a much more involved role. It was a lot of fun working with them, and I look forward to whatever’s next.
You can download the patch from their blog here: (Link)
And you can also grab a walkthrough on Fuwanovel! (Link)
It’s a fucking christmas miracle
What a noble crew of translators.
Awesome. Congrats to the team for finishing it!
I would have to go to vndb and copy and paste the title and fuuuuuck that
Yeah! Thanks for the Xmas gift :’)
Such a nice Xmas gift,thanks for translating this 😀