This week’s header image comes from our four releases: Se-rua Academy Creampie Festival (Android, HBOX.JP, released on MiKandi); Apathy – Midnight Collection Vol. 1 (Fan Patch, Link); Rance 5D & Rance VI (MangaGamer, Link); and WORLD END ECONOMiCA Ep. 3 (Sekai Project, Link)
VNTS (Visual Novel Translation Status Updates Series) is published each Saturday and brings the latest updates from VN translation projects — both licensed and by fans — from around the net. If you find any errors, or you think a project is missing from this list, please let us know in the comments.
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From The Team: Months and months ago — roughly twelve of them if we’re being Rooke-level-pedantic — Decay was sitting in this metaphorical chair, writing a VNTS post all alone on Christmas Day. That right there, ladies and gentlemen, is dedication. It’s also a little bit scary. And concerning. And while I’m not necessarily saying that I fear for my life should I ever skip a VNTS post — because I am technically here of my own free will and choice — what I am saying is that Decay is the driving force for getting these posts written even on Christmas (eve/day/whatever).

Oh, yeah, and Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Festivus, and a jolly [insert your holiday name] to all! – Tay
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1481951998668{margin-bottom: 20px !important;}”][vc_column][vc_column_text]The Short Version: Only the New Stuff
- Apathy – Midnight Collection Vol. 1 – Finished and Released! Patch information and link here
- Ayakashi Gohan! – Overall: ~82% > 89%; Note: I’m not sure when the progress jumped to 89%. Unfortunately, I forgot about the team’s excellent tracker (link below) and was waiting on a blog post. Take note, and use the tracker if you’re following this project! – Tay
- Bad Medicine -Infectious Teachers – Yanagi Ryouta (Civics) Route: Parts 15, 16; Goal is to release rest of Yanagi by Christmas, so more may be incoming! Follow the Tumblr for the latest!
- Chrono Clock (Sekai Project) – TL: 71.18% > 71.38%
- Da Capo 3 (MangaGamer) – Release Date Announced: January 20, 2017; Pre-order it here; Extensive Demo Released: Info/Download Here
- Dies Irae (Light) – At $102,416 of $160,000 as of this writing. (KS)
- Fashioning Little Miss Lonesome (MangaGamer) – TL: 44% > 46%
- Hapymaher (MangaGamer) – TL: 60% > 62%; Edit: 42% > 45%
- The House in Fata Morgana – A Requiem for Innocence (MangaGamer) – TL: 38% > 40%
- Libra of the Vampire Princess (MiKandi Japan) – Aoi’s Route TL: 70 > 85%; Lycoris’ Route TL: 50 > 90%; Aoi and Lycoris`s Mini Episode TL : 30%;
- Lover Able – TL: 34.71% > 38.57%; Edit: 9.26% > 9.86%; TLC: 13.85% > 13.93%; QC: 5.21% > 5.29%; Image Editing: 67.97% > 69.61%
- Maggot Baits (MangaGamer) – TL: 10% > 13%
- Maitetsu (Sekai Project) – TL: 78.76% > 80.79%
- Majo Koi Nikki – TL: 61% > 63%
- Maki Fes! – We erroneously linked this project with Luna TL. In reality, a fan TL group named Sekkai Project is doing this TL. This will be updated in next week’s table.
- Nocturnal Illusion Renewal (retranslation) – Second pass edit: 4.7% > 6.5%
- Princess Evangile W Happiness (MangaGamer) – TL: 76% > 82%; Edit: 50% > 64%
- Rance 5D & Rance VI (MangaGamer) – Released! Get it here!
- Se-rua Academy Creampie Festival (HBOX.JP) – Released on Android via the Mikandi app store. Buy it here. (Actually released a couple weeks ago. Our apologies for letting it slip under our radar.)
- The Shadows of Pygmalion (MangaGamer) – Beta testing now complete
- Sharin no Kuni, Himawari no Shoujo (Front Wing) – Kickstarter campaign complete and funded! Campaign finished at a whopping 235% funding, congrats!
- Sorcery Jokers (MangaGamer) – TL: 62% > 66%
- Tenshin Ranman (Sekai Project) – TL: 81.45% > 85.11%
- Tsui Yuri – Re-Translation: 50% > 80%; Total QC: 20% > 34%
- Unannounced Project #2 (Sekai Project) – TL: 22% > 41%
- Unannounced Project #4 (Sekai Project) – TL: 16%
- Ushinawareta Mirai wo Motomete – TL: 30% > 32%; Edit: 12% > 14%
- WORLD END ECONOMiCA (Sekai Project) – Episode 3 released! Get it on Steam here
New Releases!
- Apathy – Midnight Collection Vol. 1 – Finished and Released! Patch information and link here
- Rance 5D & Rance VI (MangaGamer) – Released! Get it here!
- Se-rua Academy Creampie Festival (HBOX.JP) – Released on Android via the Mikandi app store. Buy it here.
- (Actually released a couple weeks ago. Our apologies for letting it slip under our radar.)
- WORLD END ECONOMiCA (Sekai Project) – Episode 3 released! Get it on Steam here
Removed from the List This Week
- A Kiss From the Petals – The New Generation (MangaGamer) – Released! Get it here! The graphics engine is enhanced to 1600×1200.
- Steins;Gate 0 (PQube) – Released in Europe and NA for PS4/Vita!
All the Game Updates:
Fan Translation Projects
[wpdatatable id=267]MangaGamer (Updates)
[wpdatatable id=269]Sekai Project (Update Page)
[wpdatatable id=274]Other
- Here’s a handy link to sort Sekai Project’s Steam releases by release date: link
Other Projects
[wpdatatable id=271]2016 Recap Tables
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row disable_element=”yes” css=”.vc_custom_1482565055175{margin-bottom: 50px !important;border-right-width: 1px !important;border-bottom-width: 1px !important;border-left-width: 1px !important;border-left-color: #ededed !important;border-left-style: solid !important;border-right-color: #ededed !important;border-right-style: solid !important;border-bottom-color: #ededed !important;border-bottom-style: solid !important;border-radius: 1px !important;}”][vc_column][vc_column_text]These tables were not regularly posted during 2016, but I’m contemplating making them a regular feature of 2017 VNTS posts. Please sound off in the comments if that would be to your liking.
I might give the Rance games a shot, but to be honest I’m skeptical. I’m skeptical an eroge can actually have the kind of stellar gameplay I’ve heard 6 has. I’ve played some eroge that have perfectly serviceable gameplay, and I’m sure there’s some with pretty good gameplay, but I’ve never seen one with truly great gameplay. Yet if you hear some say it (*cough* Moogy) Rance 6 and Baldr Sky are like the greatest games ever made or something. Yeah, I dunno about that. Gameplay aside, I’m just not big on what Rance is all about. I get a lot of you do like that, and that’s fine. It’s just not for me.
Da Capo 3 also has a release date, which is pretty sweet. There’s even a demo, which I played a little bit of. To be honest, I might have been overestimating my desire for DC3 a bit. I dunno, maybe I’ve changed in the years since I’ve played and enjoyed DC2, but I find DC3 to be a little too… earnest? Heartfelt? Sickly sanguine? There will be drama for sure, but now that I’ve played some of it and have recalled DC2, I’ve realized how incredibly corny those games could be. And they play it as straight as they possibly can. I think it’s that straightforwardness that gets me the most. I know DC3 has a little bit more to it than DC2, so I hope that stuff is effective.
Anywho, short commentary from me today. I should have been asleep at least two hours ago. Oops.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1481952312185{border-right-width: 1px !important;border-bottom-width: 1px !important;border-left-width: 1px !important;border-left-color: #673ab8 !important;border-left-style: solid !important;border-right-color: #673ab8 !important;border-right-style: solid !important;border-bottom-color: #673ab8 !important;border-bottom-style: solid !important;border-radius: 1px !important;}”][vc_column][vc_column_text]TAYsteful Thoughts™Four years ago I made a profoundly controversial decision. One that would shake the Fuwa admin/mod structure to its core. One that would, indeed, spark a Staff Room flame war. Yes, ladies and gentleman, you guessed it: I made a “Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays” post on the blog (then known as Visual Novel Aer).
Historical Gem: Tay’s 2012 ‘Happy Holidays’ Post
Historical Gem: Tay’s 2013 ‘Happy Holidays’ Post
The fact that such a simple post cost a lot of grief was silly (and a harbinger of difficulties to come), and I remember spending a fair bit of time staring at the post and wondering why people were making such a fuss over it. Consequently, the header image I used (a variant on the one below) has forever been burned into my mind as my Holidays header. Fortunately, whenever I see it, it gets me in a Christmas-y mood (instead of body-memory headaches!).
I’d like to thank Decay and Zaka for the time and help (and laughs) we’ve had doing VNTS this year. These posts can take upwards of four hours to prepare, and they make for very boring Friday nights. Splitting up the work helps get the post done earlier, but it also is a lot of fun. So thanks.
I’d also like to thank all of our readers. VNTS gets a lot of traffic, and most of our readers are hardcore enough to come back at least twice a month to read the posts. We do these posts for you, and while I know they aren’t perfect, we’re doing our best. If you have ideas for improvement, write them down somewhere and look for our feedback survey which will be going up next week.
Happy holidays to all our readers, and have a great week.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
Whoah damn it! 2 rance in one release! My god what a nice present!
Shouldn’t 11 Eyes be on the header?
It was last week, I believe.
Yeah, came out last week. Must’ve overlooked deleting the marker. My bad!
dacapo bad timing shouldve released it on holidays :/ no time to play it
happy holidays boys
Happy holidays!
Thanks for all you do, guys! It’s so nice that I no longer have to check every single tumblr/website of the translation teams I follow every few days or so anymore. I know how much of a pain the ass it is. Here’s to hoping your break is a good one!
< 3 Happy Christmas and Happy Holidays to you, too!
This week VNTS Review, and Merry Christmas. Oh, by the way you miss one release although it’s not worth to list though (Sakura Christmas Party). Also there’s Sono Hanabira 11 translation project ongoing, although maybe it was quite sporadic though if we talk about update from it.
Thanks for all you do every week. I read all of these and frequently learn new information. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
Still no Labyrinth of Grisaia huh 🙁 oh well.
I have been visiting this website daily for the past 5 years, and it is amazing who much it has changed through out those years. So from the bottom of my heart “Thank you so much for your hard work” and Happy Holidays to you guys.
how much*
Happy holidays. 😀 I don’t comment often, but I stop by every week to check out what’s new. Thanks for all your work!
Has anyone here who has bought anything from mangagamer have trouble with downloads? I bought rance yesterday but have been unable to download the game as every time I attempt to the game downloads for around a minute or less and then the speed drops to 0 and stops.
I had that problem briefly, but it’s now (6:15 PM EST) working for me. Anything change on your end?
This is not the place to get technical support, if you are having problems with a bought copy of the game just email them at [email protected] or try to contact them on twitter @MangaGamer
Thank you very much for the constant weekly updates and have a happy holiday!
Meogii here.
Happy Holidays everyone
Thanks for all the hard work everyone! I hope you’re all having a great holiday!
Happy holidays one and all. Thanks for all the hard work this year
Speaking as a first person dungeon crawling fan that has played a few here or there (miscellaneous SMT, Etrian Odyssey, and mediocre if occassionally fun Idea Factory titles), Rance VI from a purely gameplay perspective is very good, in a way that is different from other dungeon crawlers.
TADA, the game designer, wanted to create his ideal dungeon crawler from this game and it shows.
Instead of focusing on the sheer difficulty of the labyrinth or the customizability of your player characters, Rance VI focuses on placing quirky events for you to find and on carefully managing your party members. It encourages you to use your weaker members and small teams for random encounter battles, so you can you can go full force when you encounter boss battles. It’s more casual in some ways, yet more complex in others from the average dungeon crawler.
Also, it has a substantial plot and character development, two aspects missing from many first person dungeon crawlers. Third person dungeon crawlers are usually better about this, but that’s besides the point.
In the end, Rance is very offensive, and I won’t force you to play something you’re unable to enjoy because of the audacity. However, I will say that you’re missing out on a genuinely great game and implore you on giving it a shot.
You should try Coven, Dungeon Travellers 2 and Mary Skelter, honestly great FP DRPGs.
Merry Christmas you glorious maniacs!
Thanks guys for bringing us weekly updates. Honestly, i am dollowing your vnts every week and post it on a small vn community in Amino since August i think. All credits are in Fuwa ^_^
any news about 11 eyes findisc?
Denwatls has said that the fan disc won’t be their next project but they may consider it in the future (same with the expanded “CrossOver” version of the original game).