This week’s header image comes from Da Capo 3 (MangaGamer) which got a release date this week (Jan 20, 2017)
VNTS (Visual Novel Translation Status Updates Series) is published each Saturday and brings the latest updates from VN translation projects — both licensed and by fans — from around the net. If you find any errors, or you think a project is missing from this list, please let us know in the comments.
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From The Team: Well, Happy New Year(‘s eve), everyone! Due to RL complications, the VNTS team had to scramble to get this post out (Decay did all the tables except Fan TL last night, and I’m throwing this together as quickly as I can this AM). Consequently, there isn’t much by way of announcements or commentary. Just remember that 1) we’re going to be purging a bunch of projects from the rolls either this coming week or the week after; and 2) feedback surveys were delayed (slightly), but should be up within 9 days.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1481951998668{margin-bottom: 20px !important;}”][vc_column][vc_column_text]The Short Version: Only the New Stuff
- Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm (Aokana) – TL: 38% > ~50% (of common route); Questions raised about translations, team looking into it
- Bad Medicine -Infectious Teachers – Yanagi Ryouta (Civics) Route: Parts 17, 18, Walkthrough
- Boku to Koisuru Ponkotsu Akuma (Sekai Project) – TL: 21.72% > 21.80%
- Chrono Clock (Sekai Project) – TL: 71.38% > 73.49%
- Da Capo 3 (MangaGamer) – Release Date Announced: January 20, 2017; Pre-order it here; Extensive Demo Released: Info/Download Here
- Dies Irae (Light) – Kickstarter at $117,936 of $160,000 as of this writing.
- Fashioning Little Miss Lonesome (MangaGamer) – TL: 44% > 46%
- Flowers -Le Volume sur Ete- (JAST) – Formally announced this week. Release planned for 2017. Official site here.
- Hapymaher (MangaGamer) – TL: 60% > 62%; Edit: 42% > 45%
- Hara Kano – Found a mistake which prevented 100% completion, now fixed, see blog
- The House in Fata Morgana – A Requiem for Innocence (MangaGamer) – TL: 38% > 40%
- Labyrinth of Grisaia (Sekai Project) – Unrated (18+) Version: Postponed to January
- Lover Able – TL: 38.57% > 42.74%; Edit: 9.86% > 13.39%; TLC: 13.93% > 14.61%; QC: 5.29% > 10.66%; Image Editing: 69.61% > 72.88%
- Maggot Baits (MangaGamer) – TL: 10% > 13%
- Maitetsu (Sekai Project) – TL: 80.79 > 82.31%
- Majo Koi Nikki – TL: 63% > 65%; Edit: 52% > 53%
- Maki Fes! – TL: 60% > 66%
- Muv-Luv Series (Degica) – Alternative’s retranslation expected to not finish until the end of winter. (Link)
- Neko Para Vol.3 (Sekai Project) – Releasing in Japan April 28th, 2017 – Note: Simultaneous trilingual release not yet confirmed but highly likely
- Princess Evangile W Happiness (MangaGamer) – TL: 76% > 82%; Edit: 50% > 64%
- The Shadows of Pygmalion (MangaGamer) – Beta testing now complete
- Sorcery Jokers (MangaGamer) – TL: 62% > 66%
- Taishou x Alice (E2 Gaming) – Taisho x Alice delayed until March 2017. (Link)
- Tenshin Ranman (Sekai Project) – TL: 85.11% > 88.78%
- Tsui Yuri – Re-Translation: 80% > 100%; Total QC: 34% > 39%
- Ushinawareta Mirai wo Motomete – TL: 32% > 33%
Removed from the List This Week
- Shuffle! (Navel + YumeHaven) – Released! Buy it on Steam here! Features a new translation and is based on the PS2 version with its two new routes for Mayumi and Kareha.
- Hara Kano – Finished and released! The full patch is done, so grab it and more information over at Loe’s blog.
- 12/31/16 NOTE: Found a mistake which prevented 100% completion, now fixed, see blog
All the Game Updates:
Fan Translation Projects
[wpdatatable id=275]MangaGamer (Updates)
[wpdatatable id=277]Sekai Project (Update Page)
[wpdatatable id=278]Other
- Here’s a handy link to sort Sekai Project’s Steam releases by release date: link
Happy new year Fuwanovel team
What about translation of Dance Quest and Rance IX maybe?
Sengoku’s probably first before Quest. We have to wait until July or August for them to confirm. Personally speaking, I hope they can minimize the gap between those two games.
Rance 01 is probably before Rance IX because of the production order, but it doesn’t matter that much. Rance IX doesn’t really make any references to 01.
Hopefully, the abundant sales of both Rance VI and Haruka are enough to convince MG and Alicesoft to release 2 games a year consistently.
MangaGamer doesn’t like working on games with released patches so they might choose to skip Sengoku Rance.
That said, don’t expect any major announcements from MangaGamer until the summer convention season. They’ll probably translate more Rance games but we won’t know about it until then.
So no thoughts this week? 😛
Unfortunately we’re all pretty busy lately, so no commentary from us this week. I’ll try to write some next week.
Happy New Year, guys!
I think Aokana needs to be re-translated all over again. Is that true?
I hope not. I want to play this vn someday.
The team that started a month or two ago is restarting due to the translation being heavily inaccurate, even getting some extremely basic lines wrong.
Happy New Year
should be perhaps noted that harukuru has been picked up officially by [insert publisher/company], with both versions to be released, 18+ & all ages as well. just saying.
What do you base this on? Their site mentions nothing and I haven’t seen TBAC talk about that anywhere. I wouldn’t say it’s unlikely, but that sounds like speculation to me.
i´d say i do base this on its authors tweet:
Happy New Year!!!
To All the fuwa-community
Happy new year, Fuwa team, VNTS team! *thumbsup*
Thanks for all the continuingly hard work. I’d like to say if you need assistance with the database backend just ask, but I’m a bit confused on what (if any) that is and I have no idea how much time I *can* spare either, but still.
Grabbed Huniepop on a whim (that being a Steam sale). It was surprisingly… nice. Unexpected. I mean, I don’t know exactly what I expected, but that certainly wasn’t it.
Off to start root(W). It’s been too long since I played anything related to Infinity.
< 3
My late VNTS Review, and happy belated new year 2017 to all of VNTS staff out there.
Miniature Garden is now 100% translated, 50% edited!
Thank you for all you do, it is really a god send. Especially for those of us with barely enough time to enjoy what we like, let alone search for whats new. Without you guys I personally would barely be able to find them. So again, thank you and I hope this new year is good all around.