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Ever17 and Never7 to receive Remakes

Never7 and Ever17 are two mystery Visual Novels released by MAGES and KID in 2000 and 2002 respectively, with Nakazawa Takumi as the creative director, Uchikoshi Koutarou as the lead writer, and even Takeshi Abo as the music composer. The VNs were overall well received, Ever17 scoring even higher reviews than its predecessor.

On February 27 2023, Dengeki Online reports that the director of MAGES announced a remake of the entire duology.

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On the other hand, Uchikoshi confirmed he will not be involved with the project.

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Since the project is in its early stages of development, it’s unknown if the exact same script will be used, or re-written entirely.


Fan of Visual Novels and Japanese culture, currently majoring in Japanese. Has worked on VN projects as a writer and director.

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