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Siren’s Call: Escape Velocity Gets Funded on Second Attempt, Now Going Towards Stretch Goals

Siren’s Call: Escape Velocity is a game developed by independent creator ThePenSword as a half-sequel, half-update to the original game: Siren’s Call. Escape Velocity deals with attachment, parting, and looking towards the future. After failing its initial campaign for extra content last year, the current Kickstarter attempt has managed to meet its initial target of $9,000.

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After getting help from people with more experience in the conducting of kickstarters, the new landing page contains more information on what the game is about, the characters and their respective voice actors, and rewards for spending money on the project. After the goal has been reached, now the stretch goals will remain.

There is also a discord server you can join to stay informed and participate in the community.

Stretch Goals

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Beyond the initial target, Siren’s Call: Escape Velocity has additional stretch goals which would result in better user experience, new content being created, and localization for foreign markets. Siren’s Call has received good reception, with 67% of players first booting the game outside of North America and achieving a positive rating of 94% on Steam, with many reviews comparing it to Doki Doki Literature Club, and praising its well-written story and realistic characters. Escape Velocity will retain most of Siren’s Call‘s content, while adding new stories.

It will initially be in English and German, with the potential for Spanish and Russian after the game’s release – and Japanese if the funding goal is met.

The ultimate goal of the campaign is $65000 for complete voice acting. It’s highly unlikely that it will be reached.

Escape Velocity is set to release on Steam by 2025, with a price of no more than $5 to cover the costs of developing the game, and to help promote the game on Steam’s algorithm. However, Siren’s Call, the original game, will always be free.


Every story needs conflict in order to function… some sort of antagonist to overcome. But in Siren's Call, the adventure you and your friends went on is already over! After a summer of deadly fights with supernatural creatures known only as "Sirens," your friends finally have time to relax and enjoy themselves. But in the wreckage of a job well done…it has become obvious just how fleeting their time together actually is. Even so, it's your job to say goodbye to each of them and go to college…only then can you reach escape velocity.

Kickstarter Page


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Voice Actors

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Voice acting is partial as of now, but will cover most of the core scenes of the game. Considering the size of the script, full voice acting will be tied to stretch goals. 


The game will feature a lucidity system, where the more you explore Siren’s Call through choices, the closer you get to the truth, which increases lucidity. This system can unlock hints for certain situations, and a new True Ending, which will be different from the original game. Through the lucidity system, the developer wants to balance meaningful choices with giving player agency of the main character to shape the story.

Other features include:

  • An unlockable epilogue chapter centered around a conflict unique to Violet and Judith’s friendship (spoilers, it’s not related to Oliver).
  • 24 new CGs– a number of which will be used to flesh out and add tension to the original story.
  • An optional hint system create a more streamlined visual novel experience.
  • Updated character sprites for Miss Lawrence.
  • Translations into Spanish, German and Russian with more languages being added after the game’s release!
  • The complete original story of Siren’s Call that remains (mostly) untouched in terms of its narrative.

There will also be an interview on Fuwanovel with ThePenSword soon, so be excited for that.


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Haven't played many titles but am interested in visual novels. Also like competetive card games, anime/manga, and political stuff. However, I love Hata-tan the most.

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