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A Summer Romance in the Countryside — Amanatsu Perfect Edition is here!

On March 11th, Shiravune has announced they are localizing Azarashi Soft’s Amanatsu, a pure love story from the same creators behind AIKAGI and Maid For Loving You.
Two days before, on March 17th, the game is now available to buy!

You can follow Shiravune on Twitter or join their official Discord server.

Shiravune has localized the Perfect Edition, featuring E-mote support. This enables character sprites to become animated. You can also download it for free as a downloadable patch for those who purchased the original release.

The game is available on Steam, Johren, MangaGamer, JAST, and Kagura Games. You’ll be able to read it in English, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese, as is usual from Shiravune titles.

Get your own copy!

Steam*JohrenMangaGamerJAST USAKagura Games
*The free adult patch can be obtained here or on GOG.

Amanatsu has its own fandisc (Amanatsu+) as well, to release in Japan on July 26th. While it’s a Japanese-only title for now, there’s a chance a translation of this fandisc isn’t completely off the table.

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Meet the Cast

Kazuha Ainokura
VA: Yukari Aoyama

A second-year student like Haruto and the daughter of relatives on his mother’s side.

She has a strong-willed personality and can be a bit stubborn, often displaying a tough exterior. Their relationship starts off somewhat awkwardly due to initial misunderstandings and having to live under the same roof.

However, she has a fundamentally caring nature, often looking out for him, especially considering his recent move as a newcomer.

Kogane Amahara
VA: Hana Akino

A girl one year below Haruto who gets along with everyone but never really seems to let people in.

For better or worse, the distance she keeps only adds to her idol-like appeal and has won her plenty of male and female fans alike. Always the type to enthusiastically join in on anything fun, showcasing excellent athletic prowess and even helping out at various school clubs.

Her inclusive and easygoing nature allows her to engage in playful banter with just about anyone she meets.

Yoshino Kaminashi
VA: Roro Amari

A girl who’s one year above Haruto and also a priestess at the Nanakayama Shrine.

Her distinct sensibilities often see her spending time alone, although many of her male classmates are enchanted by her good looks and cool demeanor. Though she doesn’t express her emotions too openly, at heart, she cares for all those around her.

Forever a daydreamer, she can sometimes be slow to catch on.

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KEVINNGW808, Indonesian PVZ Gamer and Youtuber. Always succ at PVZ, including PVZ Mods. Likes animes, VNs, and Hololive. Enjoys video editing, computering, chinese song, memes, and cats too.

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