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Nintendo Direct 2024: Ace Attorney Investigations and Danganronpa-style Strategy game?

This year’s Nintendo Direct has a huge selection to choose from, certainly.
Unfortunately, VN players didn’t get much, except two big titles.

Ace Attorney Investigations Collection

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While Ace Attorney being a VN is questioned by many of the community, it is a very popular title we would like to cover. This release covers the two games from the Investigation series—Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth and Ace Attorney Investigations 2: Prosecutor’s Gambit.

As we can see from the trailer, there will be an update to the graphics, but unlike the previous Ace Attorney Switch entries, we can also opt for the original Pixel Art style!

For this release, you’ll be able to find a gallery packed with illustrations and music—orchestral arrangements also included!


Character Compendium

View the animations of every character in the game and listen to the main characters’ voiced lines.
View and compare their chibi character sprites in the new HD and classic Pixel Art styles.

Quality of Life Improvements

Chapter Select

Choose the game, episode, and even chapter you’d like to start from the first time you play.
Experience the story from the very beginning or jump to your favorite scenes – it’s up to you!

Story Mode

The game will make selections and solve puzzles automatically on your behalf in this useful feature.
It’s the perfect mode for people who want to simply sit back and watch a good mystery unfold.1


The ability to review character dialogue has been added through a convenient History function.
Re-read lines you accidentally skipped with ease!

In-Game Soundtrack

“Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth” Arranged Tracks
  • [AAI Collection] Confrontation – Allegro 2009
  • [AAI Collection] Confrontation – Presto 2009
  • [AAI Collection] Miles Edgeworth – Objection! 2009
  • [AAI Collection] Pursuit – Chase Down the Truth
  • [AAI Collection] Pursuit – Chase Down the Truth (No Intro)

Play using 5 new arrangements of classic tracks from Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth.
Change the Soundtrack setting on the Options menu from
“Original” to “Arranged” to enjoy the game in a fresh new way!2

7 Languages

The story is available in seven languages: Japanese, English, French, German, Korean, and Traditional and Simplified Chinese. New voice dubs are also included in each language.
Mix and match the game text and voice languages to your liking.

This release is set for September 6th, 2024. You can pre-order it now on the product’s official website and get 5 arranged in-game tracks for Ace Attorney Investigations 2: Prosecutor’s Gambit.3

The Hundred Line -Last Defense Academy-

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I know what you’re gonna say: This isn’t a visual novel!
And you’ll be right! I decided to include this one as an honorable mention, since the Danganronpa series has strongly impacted the VN community, whether we like it or not.

This is more of a strategy action game with VN elements, and will be available on early 2025.

If you enjoy our work, please follow us on Twitter for more visual novel news and join the community in our forums and discord server: we’re pretty active there!

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  1. Must be turned on or off manually. ↩︎
  2. Also applies to the five “Ace Attorney Investigations 2: Prosecutor’s Gambit” arranged tracks
    from the “In-Game Music (Arranged) – 5 Tracks Set” Pre-Order Bonus. ↩︎
  3. For more information, please check the product’s website. ↩︎


Weird little gremlin who likes all the fucked up stuff; if a story doesn't leave you in shambles, what's even the point? Functional fujoshi, at your service.

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