Hey everybody, Tay here. Here’s a listing of all the articles from last week (up to, but not including today, Sunday 06 October). Be sure to check out the stories you missed!
Featured Article of the Week:
Fuwanovel Forums: 50 translated VNs you should read before you die
Interview: Qberty’s Om3ga Engine — Transcending Platforms
Kotaku Article on Translation Woes
Fuwanovel Forums: 50 translated VNs you should read before you die
Did you know that Fuwanovel has awesome walkthroughs?
Speed Round: Potential Higurashi Re-Translation, Two Patches Coming Out Soon, Guitar Tab, and more!
The Verge: “Soft-core ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ apps from Japan are picking up steam in the US”
Eternal Heart project needs TLC help for a few difficult scenes
Thank you for all the postings recently Tay, been enjoying it quite a bit.
Thank you very much! I know I’m no Aaeru, so please let me know if you have any feedback and suggestions.
Here’s hoping this next week goes a little more smoothly, eh? : )
Speaking of which, where is Aaeru, anyway?
Nice Tay, Tnx