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Lake of Reflection Released Last Week

On July 13th, the indie development team Tuff Mallow Interactive released their debut game Lake of Reflection (鏡の湖) for free on The game is a short lore story for their upcoming romance game, The Closet Door.
This had been originally created for the Amare Game Festival, but didn’t make the deadline. Now, with more time, it got brushed up for a full release.

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A story within a story. A narrator tells the tale of the last ice dragon and the water dragon who claimed his heart. How well does the listener take in the tale? Will the story be told to the end? A lore story related to the upcoming romance themed visual novel, The Closet Door!

Lake of Reflection is a short story about life, loss and kindness, and the road to trauma recovery. A story about community and reconnecting and reclaiming personal meaning in the face of tragedy. 

The themes are pretty somber, but there are no “dead ends”. This story is meant to be an exploration of an emotional tale and various viewpoints. There are some endings to cut the story short, but that depends on your interactions with the narrator! 

This game deals with limited heavy subject matter such as grief and mention of death and murder. Please be advised.  

Original Description

The standout feature is partial voice acting by Candaru Driemor, Mage Bunkshelf, Bay Doxey, Yujie! and Joseph David Spence.

  • 15 backgrounds + variations by Yamielsun.
  • 5 possible endings (with variations)
  • 6 full screen CGs
  • 21 mini CGs
  • 8 sprites
  • 13 tracks from the Creative Commons library. 

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Once a writer for German site VNinfo, now the guy running the show (we're trying to save him from Hell okay). His energy is infectious, his passions strong, and his attachment to Nanahira manifestly unhealthy. He likes Sayonara wo Oshiete, long walks on the Internet, and excels at koolaidmanning.

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