Hello, friends!
This week, we don’t have much to talk about during VNTS, so we decided to bring a format back that hadn’t been available on the Internet in English since the old moderator SuperAnge last stopped posting it on the r/visualnovels subreddit about a year ago: a listing of the untranslated releases of each month.
Since it is the first time we post this format on Fuwanovel, we have to explain to you what we’re fetching and how this list is being generated. Our programmer Sirus (he’s French!) picked up on our desire to offer a list that updates itself and created a little (currently private) program which fetches a lot of data, thumbnails, developer list, release date and links to purchase items from the VNDB API. There are more options if we need them.

After the fetching, you can then click on a button that says “Save to Clipboard” and just post it into wordpress and you got this amazing list you see below. Due to the nature of many of the preview images being NSFW, we don’t fetch those, however.

If you guys have any suggestions for more vital metadata to fetch, please comment them below and we will consider adding them to the program. Feel free to share the list around with all the Japanese original readers you know.

For a more visually beautiful representation of this feature, consider checking out panapanapana, but it’s Japanese-only!
Untranslated Releases: July
A big thanks to Insanityissexy for starting the tradition, and funwithgravity and SuperAnge for maintaining it until they didn’t feel like it anymore. Fuwanovel will now carry the tradition on until the eventual death of the Universe.
If you enjoy our work, please follow us on Twitter for more and join the community in our forums!
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