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BAD END THEATER released a physical edition

On June 14th, Turtle Pals Tapes released NomnomNami‘s most popular title—BAD END THEATER—now in a physical format! As of writing this news, there are 24 copies left.1
This edition includes the game and soundtrack on a single disc for $16.00.

The game itself features over 16k words, 600 illustrations and over 40 endings! It averages 1~3 hours of playtime, so you’re sure to have a fun session within a day.

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Get your copy now!

Digital Edition ($9.99) | GOG | Humble
Physical Edition ($16)Google Play ($4.99)

Interested in the Soundtrack?

Steam ($5.99)Bandcamp ($6)SpotifyYoutube

The Story


  1. This is currently on back order, more are on the way! ↩︎

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Weird little gremlin who likes all the fucked up stuff; if a story doesn't leave you in shambles, what's even the point? Functional fujoshi, at your service.

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