Review: Milk Inside a Bag of Milk Inside a Bag of Milk

Join us as we follow this young girl's adventure to the store to get milk!

Katawa Shoujo soon on Steam and Itch!

This release will not be only coming to Steam, but to Itch as well!

BAD END THEATER released a physical edition

On June 14th, Turtle Pals Tapes released NomnomNami‘s most popular title—BAD END THEATER—now in a physical format! As of writing this news, there are 24 copies left.1This edition includes the…

Yuri fans, rejoice! — Blackberry Honey’s Physical Edition is here!

Today at OffKai Expo, publisher Bellhouse will be selling the Physical Edition of Blackberry Honey. These will be available later on their store.

The Fuwanovel EVN List: April 2024 Releases

The Fuwanovel EVN List arrived at halftime this month! What titles from last month's batch have caught your interest?

The Fuwanovel EVN List: March 2024 Releases

The Fuwanovel EVN List is fashionably late this time! What titles from last month's batch havecaught your interest?

Demo Review: BRXKEN INSIDE—How Abuse Outlives Death

Back with another review! We're reviewing a demo full of toxic relationships, yuri, and... a dead sister.

Manage (and date?) a Boys’ Band! — Replay Boys now out

A Boys' Band Otomege? This one is for the K-pop fans!

Monster Girl Yuri!—Head Over Heels out now

A yuri story featuring all sorts of monster girls—our protagonist included!