Potential localization of the Harvest December series of VNs

Yesterday, Circle entertainment tweeted that they had found a potential translator for the Harvest December series of VNs. While it seems unclear whether the translator was actually hired, it does…

Monobeno -pure smile- being ported to PS Vita

Today, we learned that Monobeno -pure smile- is being ported to the PS Vita. Monobeno -pure smile- is the official sequel to Monobeno and was released last year in November.…

Rewrite PSP Port – Official Release Date & Details

We were told last year that Key would be porting Rewrite to the PSP and PS Vita. It took them a while, but we finally have some new information regarding…

New Angel Beats! Visual Novel CGs

Hey everyone, this is shcboomer reporting in for the first time on the blog. As a tasteful entrance into this posting business, I’ll start off with a short post about…

I/O English Release

Yo, Zakamutt here. I’m very pleased to announce the release of our pre-patched version of I/O Revision II! I’d been fairly excited about the I/O translation project project prior to…

Comyu English Patch Release

Sorry for being late on this everyone. You’ve probably already heard of it but Amaterasu has released the 2nd partial patch for Comyu. This patch covers a lot more story…

Higanbana no Saku Yoru ni (quick update)

Hey guys Nosebleed here, sorry for this small post but this is an update regarding the novel Higanbana no Saku Yoru ni on our site. We now have a page for…

Higanbana no Saku Yoru Ni- Dai Ni Ya translation complete

Hey there people, Kaguya here. So, the second night of Higanbana is finally translated- thanks to the awesome efforts at the people at spider lily trsanslations. http://www.spiderlilytranslations.com/ As always with…

iOS: Kamaitachi no Yoru released on iOS as “Banshee’s Last Cry”

Hey everybody, Tay here.  Aksys Games Localization company has released Chunsoft’s Kamaitachi no Yoru in English on the iTunes App Store.  The game costs $3.99 (free download/intro, $3.99 in-app purchase) and…

Urgent! Let’s Help Out Rinjinbu Translations (Oreimo PSP)!

Hey everybody, Tay here.  Ziddy, the project lead over at Rinjinbu Translations (who also happens to be one of my favorite people in the VN world) needs our help!  Many of…