Could you Take it?—Shiravune Announces KuroInu 2 Redux for Steam and Johren
On August 16th, 2023, Tokyo-based visual novel publisher Shiravune announced that Kuroinu 2 Redux, the direct sequel to its recently released Liquid eroge Kuroinu Redux, will release during 2023. Shiravune…
Why Dohna Dohna Matters
A surprisingly heartfelt story of the cycle of violence that's so much more than it seems, let's take a look at what Dohna Dohna's really about!
Shiravune Released Queen of the Otaku: THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE on Johren and Steam
On the 18th of July 2023, the Tokyo-based publisher Shiravune released another Appetite nukige with Queen of the Otaku: THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE. It’s a raunchy nukige focusing on…
Succubus Sessions: Mami Mamiya’s Sweet Slice of Hell by Shiravune on July 21st Released
Publisher Shiravune announced on May 9th that Succubus Sessions: Mami Mamiya's Sweet Slice of Hell will release in English just the next 21st of July.
Explore the World of the Sex Paradise (?) in Shiravune’s Nukitashi!
On the 23rd of June, 2023, Tokyo-based publisher Shiravune has released the long and highly anticipated official English localization of Nukitashi. The game was released with English, Japanese, Chinese and…
Publisher Shiravune releases Otome*Domain for Steam and on Johren
The Tokyo-based publisher Shiravune released their newest title Otome*Domain on the 22nd of December 2022 as an early Christmas present. The game was created by the Japanese brand Palette Qualia…