Fan TL available for Atelier Kaguya HonkyTonk Pumpkin’s Title: Shabura ♥ Rental

On 26 July 2023, Atelier Kaguya HonkyTonk Pumpkin‘s nukige, Shabura ♥ Rental ~Ecchi na Onee-san to no Eroero Rental Obenkyou~, received a full English fan translation by tamagolemon on tumblr.…

Epic Eagle Team Releases Fan Translation of Key’s Stella of the End

On July 10th, 2023, during a very dry week, the fan translation group SnowyRujinTL posted an update to Twitter about its progress on Planetarian -Snow Globe-. But within the same…

Shinzou Translations Releases a new Translation: The Invisible Star

The fan translation group Shinzou Translations released another doujin title The Invisible Star on their website. The group translated this game from Japanese into English and Spanish.

Doujin Group Witch on a Mountain Creates Visual Novelization of Fate/Zero as a Passion Project?!

In the beginning of June, a curious project saw the light of day on the indie publishing platform A user called Milbunk, who is part of a doujin group…

Tsukihime Remake Fan Translation Released

Tsukihime is the now notable VN developer TYPE-MOON’s first project. Released in 2000 in Japanese for PC, the VN would later get an English patch in 2006. While the VN…

English Fan Patch for Portable Version of Neon Genesis Evangelion: Girlfriend of Steel Released

Earlier this month, on the 4th of June 2023, an English fan patch for Shinseiki Evangelion – Koutetsu no Girlfriend -Portable- has been released. The person responsible for the patch,…

The Dreamcast Junkyard Releases Fan Translation of Dreamcast Gem: Nakoruru ~The Gift she gave me~

On June 15th, 2023, the SEGA Dreamcast enthusiast website, The Dreamcast Junkyard, published a fan translation of Nakoruru: The Gift She Gave Me. It was first announced on the Dreamcast-Talk…

AfterschoolTL Releases Fan Translation of Koiyasumi ~A Rainy Summer with my Childhood Friend~

On June 6th, fan translation group AfterschoolTL released one of its new projects: an English patch for RE:creation’s Koiyasumi ~Yuudachi ni Nureta Osananajimi~. It’s a short romance visual novel and…

Chaos;Head Noah Patch Released By The Committee of Zero

On February 3rd, 2023, The Committee of Zero released its long-awaited patch for Chaos;Head Noah. Over five years in the making, it’s easily TCoZ’s biggest project to date. This patch…

ChaniMK releases Otome game “Rapscallions on Deck!” on Steam & Itch.

Established BL visual novel developer, ChaniMK has released the new title Rapscallions on Deck. This visual novel happens to be an Otome, rather than BL. It features 26 CGs, 55K…