Kami-sama’s Personal Servant now on Steam

Featuring a trial option for those not yet sure, for both Windows and Android.

Untranslated Releases: April-May 2024

Want to read some visual novels in Japanese? Here's the newest releases!

Trap Yuri Garden coming to Steam!

Are you a fan of cute cross-dressing boys and yuri? Well, you might be in luck!

The Fuwanovel EVN List: May 2024 Releases

The Fuwanovel EVN List for May 2024 is here! What titles from this month's batch caught your interest?

The Fuwanovel EVN List: April 2024 Releases

The Fuwanovel EVN List arrived at halftime this month! What titles from last month's batch have caught your interest?

Paradise turns deadly! — Paradise by JAST available for Pre-Order NOW!

Follow a group of men who go on holiday on a deserted island. When things begin to go wrong, they realize to their horror that they are stranded. Turns out…

Looking for Vampire BLs? — Blood Domination now on Steam

Bonus points if you're into D/s dynamics!

Being Gay in Space!—The Symbiant Re:Union out Today!

The fandisc will average 3 hours of playtime and full English voice over. You can buy it now on Steam for $13.49!

My Douchey Boss Has a Gentle Twin Brother?! Released For Free!

If anyone wants to find a good way to kill some time during the holidays; ChaniMK has you covered! They have released a new boy love title for completely free…

Where Winter Crows Go by Pri Karin now available!

Last November 14th, Pri Karin released the full version of their third title Where Winter Crows Go. You can now download it from itch.io!