VN Translation Status (12/1/2015)

This is more or less a copy of a post the user VNTS does on 4chan’s /jp/ board weekly listing VN translation project status (wow), with minor commentary by yours…

VN Translation Status (4/1/2015)

This is more or less a copy of a post the user VNTS does on 4chan’s /jp/ board weekly listing VN translation project status (wow), with minor commentary by yours…

VN Translation Status (28/12/2014)

This is more or less a copy of a post the user VNTS does on 4chan’s /jp/ board weekly listing VN translation project status (wow), with minor commentary by yours…

VN Translation Status (21/12/2014)

This is more or less a copy of a post the user VNTS does on 4chan’s /jp/ board weekly listing VN translation project status (wow), with minor commentary by yours…

VN Translation Status (14/12/2014)

Once a week, the user VNTS posts on 4chan's /jp/ board with a listing of VN translation projects' statuses. This is a repost with adapted formatting and some minor commentary.

VN Translation Status (7/12/2014)

This is more or less a copy of a post the user VNTS does on 4chan’s /jp/ board weekly, with some edits, potential additional entries and such. Entries in green…

VN Translation Status (30/11/2014)

I blame a 10-3 rogue run in arena for being on time today (somewhere in the US at least.) Goals: low. Though I did reach 2.1k on RtK yesterday, suppose…

VN Translation Status (24/11/2014)

Depending on your time zone I’m either late or on time. I blame Sekai Project’s new forum for being terrifyingly well optimized for drawing you in. Also my headache, but…

VN Translation Status (16/11/2014)

Finally late at last. I blame Akarin, everything is her heart wait I was supposed to write fault all my dreams are dead. The 10hr version has really bad sound…

VN Translation Status (9/11/2014)

I blame being on time this week on finally getting a bit better at hearthstone‘s arena mode. No seriously, I was playing it for quite a while today… owelp This…